Yesterday: Our first Sat. night service as we Soft Launch into VeloCity church! We actually had a record breaking night in Children's church attendance! What a victory!! Thanks Mike and Jen for your ministry to the kids and much more that you do!! We had great praise and worship, a good message and a "win" for the night over all!! Thanks to Lead Pastor Tom Blair, (much much support) Pastor Terry Garrett, (uth sanctuary) Pastor Robert M. (lots of tech help), Pastor Dan B.(for helping retrieve Van for LFTL) and the Mansfield church for allowing us the privilege of using their facility for the next six months while we prepare for the hard launch of VeloCity church 2010 over on Cook Rd.!!!!
Today: Packed Molly and Levi in the Smith's minivan while they slept, picked up Brooks and Kate, stopped at Goasis for gas and high octane coffee with a chocolate bar "to go" that Krista bought while I pumped gas, drove to Stow, Oh laughing and having a good time, went to church service with C. Decker and Co, responded to prayer/alter time with much weeping and crying for the city of Mansfield and beyond, took pics of newly revamped stage, sound, and media for our purposes in Mansfield, went to lunch with worship leader & family, pastor & family, my wife and kids and our worship leader and his wife, what a crew, we laughed all the more and had so much fun together dreaming about ministry, music groups of old, and the future of Christ's church....
Drove home. Forgot wig. Drove to Ashland. Dropped off wig. Long story. Drove through Ashland, Madison, and Mansfield looking for KD Pizza sign since that's the basic idea of our new VeloCity Church sign coming soon on Cook Rd., found the sign on Marion Ave. in Mansfield; Came home, opened the Mac for the first time in 24 hours, and read a facebook message from a dear friend who is so excited that we are doing something great big for God through VeloCity Church!
Oh, the picture? It's a pic of a couple tears I left in the church from God's confirmation that today was "My Day", as I heard Him put it to me.... IN short, I asked a question 22 years ago and have not asked God the same question since then - until today. And I am sure he will answer soon as He did 22 years ago... I will post the question and answer when the answer comes...
I'm well spent today, was a good one!
So glad that Sunday turned out to be beneficial for you, in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteNow . . . about that wig . . . :)