Was a great launch team meeting last night for VeloCity Church. Here's a quick glance at what we're planning for our launch "still soft" starting in January:
1. A 12 month effort to partner with non-profit organizations around Mid-Ohio.
We've got 12 entities in mind that includes partnering with the Humane Society, Cancer Survivors, Military Veterans, expecting mothers, single moms, domestic violence shelter, the list goes on through 12!
2. An assimilation process that helps us connect with the many great people we are sure to love!
We want to be sure that anyone who visits a VeloCity service or event knows that we are here for them. We live to see lives changed by the power of God's Word and by the power of His Working Holy Spirit! Our people are good people who plan to be on the spot to counsel, befriend, love, and mentor anyone and everyone who needs a good friend!
Seems simple enough, doesn't it? It's going to be a year that Mid-Ohio will never forget because VeloCity is for Mid-Ohio Moving Forward spiritually & economically! We pray that God helps us meet the needs of many people who are crying out to Him! God, please help us be salt and light, a strong tower, help us partner with other Christian communities, churches, and co-labors in Christ that want to see Greater Things in Mid-Ohio!
Give us strength, energy, rest, wisdom, knowledge, a team work ethic, give us all that we need to be your hands and feet in Mid-Ohio and beyond! Let us Rock the House for God with the Launch of VeloCity Church!
Oh yea, God must be about LifeChange these days! I asked my good friend Konan who planted a church in Pickerington, Oh if I could use the term they have for their vision statement; "LifeChange". He said sure, they've surely borrowed it from somewhere else as well. Then, the next day, the very next day - I saw a new church plant in Mansfield with the tag line Life Change! Ha! God is up to something awesome; I'm looking forward to God's co-workers rallying in these last days to bring about true LifeChange for all of Ohio and Beyond! These are great days to be apart of God's Kingdom -
Greater Things: Moving Forward in Our Faith, Faith Forward Motion with Speed, God Speed...
VeloCity Church is for God healing, saving, comforting and counseling people of Mid-Ohio! We exist to lead people to LifeChange through a new found faith in God!
Roll w/ us!
We're right there with you, Pastor.