Friday, October 16, 2009


I have the privilege of doing a chapel service twice a month at Primrose Retirement community in Mansfield. One trivia point I learned today is the guesstimate on the youngest person living there is 67 years old... I love it there! Not only is the place itself a very nice, high class place where a guest can eat all the ice cream, drink all the soda water and beer... if you so choose anyways; the best thing about the whole place is the people!

So after a great chapel time of sharing and praying for my friends, I was left in the room with Helen and Gerry. Gerry's been blind since Oct. of '07. I always greet her, hug her, tell her I love her and most often pray for her to be healed in every service we have. Gerry is awesome- she's always smiling, caring, giving, all the like. Today, after everyone else left, Gerry's nurse was running a little behind which gave me the privilege of just chatting casually with Helen and Gerry.

Gerry told Helen and I that being blind is the most heart breaking thing in the world but she has hope in Jesus Christ. Not that she suppresses her heart ache and does deal with the hurt, on the contrary, she kindly and gently presses through with a smile and a kind word every time I see her.

I want to be more like Gerry! In the midst of trial and discomfort, I want to smile and share a kind word and roll w/ it as well as Gerry! She taught me something of vision today that 100 people with 20/20 vision may have never been able to teach me in a lifetime.

Hope in Jesus, wear a smile, say a kind word to someone near by and look ahead to the future of being able to see clearly.

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