I love roller coasters at the amusement park! However, I hate it when my mind takes on the roll of a roller coaster with my emotions! Let's strive to be sure and steady in our hopes for God's will to be done in our lives!
Our God is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. He's everywhere at once, even everywhere in history and in the future at once. Oh Yea, don't even try to wrap your mind around that, but our God is truly omnipresent and omniscient. He's knows how many hairs are on your head, he knows the root of your being better than you do; He knows all this and He still loves us and sent His son to die for us even while we were yet sinners!
Feel this out - hour by hour, day by day, let God be God. In other words, trust His every move while you live out the life He gave you. Stay in touch with Him and let Him sift and shift people, places, and things as He sees fit. Work on being honest, truthful, pure hearted, always ready to give an account for your actions and for your faith in God. Don't harbor bitterness when your mind starts tugging your emotions up the first big hill of that roller coaster of an emotional mood swing. Don't expect anything except God's will to be done; even more so, expect the unexpected - the Positive Unexpected! Plan in your heart and know that God still directs your steps! Meaning - God's will be done, not ours. Live as confidently humble as you know how. Make big plans, train much, study a lot... and then be ready for motion, moving, twists, turns, and many victories that you could have only imagined!
Well, now that I think of it... If God is the roller coaster operator; Let's Ride!
A Good Word, thanks PT