Like an avalanche... are we ever building excitement in our church! It's so crazy, if you look around- there's just a few of us progressing forward; But if you look closely, you'll see we are as determined as Christopher Columbus. Don't tell them they can't! I like one of Mark Batterson's posts on facebook or who knows where I read it, it says this- "The good thing about inexperience is that you don't know what can't happen" Right on! Our team doesn't even know "No!" We're embarking on a once in a lifetime opportunity that none of us have experience doing and we're rolling strong with it! We've planned, and we're learning that God does in fact order our steps. He's so involved in our progress; God's timing is oh so amazing! Everything from adversity, accomplishments, first downs, touch downs .... God is great and His love endures forever!
Keep ur eye on Mansfield... something big is about to happen! God is setting the stage for spiritual renewal at home, spiritual revival in our relationships, and the chase is on for His most wonderful anointing to fill us who are willing to come and stand under the refreshing cleansing of His living water fall!
have a great day...
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