Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God's Voice

I was in prayer today at the church and I know God spoke to me as clear as He ever has. It was during my repetitive walks around the sanctuary that my mind became very still; I knew it was God. Apparently, it was predestined that I “over heard” Krista listening to a podcast of Joyce Meyer and John Eldridge agreeing that hearing the voice of God is not only possible for today, but it’s essential for today. They talked about the potential awkwardness of explaining to others about the whole idea of God speaking to us on a personal level. John 10 states clearly that those who belong to Jesus will hear his voice, still! Later, I went to pick up Molly from pre-school and Andy Stanley was on the radio talking about being confident in knowing the voice of God. It’s a great day when I can settle my heart and mind to let God speak to me. You can do the same by being still and giving God your undivided attention. Being still and doing nothing are two completely different things. Being still is difficult, but with God’s help its attainable. God will speak to you when He has your undivided attention.

1 comment:

  1. Good word, Tom -- thanks for sharing this much needed reminder.
