Think about what you fully understand. What do you know the most about? How do you understand math, science, or geography? How did the boy with the two fish and five loaves of bread do math after Jesus fed the 5K? He did math differently.
Trust God & lean not on your own understanding! Proverbs 3:5 That's a difficult thing to do. It takes faith, prayer, and planning. It takes sweat blood and tears! As I pray for God's favor in Mansfield, I'm asking God to keep my vision focused on the things he wants us to do. Believe me, I can't lean on my own understanding when it's time to move forward, I have to have faith that God is going to bring about the good things for people that I'm seeing in my prayer time. With a good bit of planning with great leaders, there's no reason why Mansfield Ohio won't be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in America!
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