We used to sing that song "I'm walking in faith and victory..." I really want to do that, don't you? I mean really, no worries mate, I want the kind of faith that totally focuses on the future of good things. Not the present suffering. Faith and Victory! -that's want we all want. Right now I'm fortunate enough to be walking in faith and victory with a great team of people here in Mansfield Ohio who are all aboard for a total reconstruction of our present ministry. Simply put, we're not satisfied just being here, we want to do greater things for God! The short story is that we're closing the doors to a crippled ministry and starting a brand new church under a new name and new vision with greater things expected as we walk in faith and victory. For our ministry team, God wants greater things for us than we can even imagine. I pray that our team is blessed beyond measure for their efforts and their hopes for God to be the God of this city! There are many unknowns as we walk in faith and victory. It's almost comforting not knowing what's coming up next, because what ever it is, if our steps and God's steps are one right after the other, if we're praying and seeking to hear His voice, and reading His word, loving and forgiving each other, standing together undivided, looking to God for the next victory....God will make it happen! Who can turn back God's hand when He set's His mind to something?
God wants greater things for you than what you can even dream up on your own. The Bible surely says it best in Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." We have to plan, study, and show ourselves approved. And after all that, we have to be nimble enough to flow with God's moving, guiding, directing, sifting, shaking, and new paths to find, follow, and even create as we go with Him! A lot? Yes it is, that's why the road is narrow that leads to Heaven, not wide and broad as the the road that leads to eternal suffering. Faith and Victory isn't always ever present, but it is oh so ever promised for those who set their hand to the plow and never look back as we walk in faith and victory! have a great day...
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