My posts are observations of God's goodness and brief reflections of His intentional leading. My hope is that we all keep God in sight each day! Look for His goodness, seek His leading. Have a great day!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
For Real
John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
I met up with some new bikers the other day. Right after we met, we took a break, and got back on the road, the leader pulled us into some veggie selling place on the side of the road only about 1 mile from where I met up with them! You see, it's all luck of the draw, sometimes bikers are about riding, other times they're about short rides from one ice cream stand to the next road side antique fly by night pop up tent sort of thing. When we stopped, I unstrapped Levi's helmet, patted him on the head and said "we'll be outta here soon, this can't be for real."
Wait a minute, they were all huddled round some water source. Then I overheard some guy saying, "Yep, the best water in the whole world comes right from this natural spring!" Ok, they had my undivided attention cause I was hot and Levi was irritable and a cool drink could solve both of those issues, if it was for real. I reluctantly walked over to see what's up. Oh my goodness Holy Water! It was cold, fresh, right out of the rocks, a natural cold spring! Best of the best. Well, by now, most of you who are familiar with Malabar Farm Inn know that there's a natural spring close by and it's a famous place for people to stop year round to get a drink of fresh, living water!
Let us pray that we can be so fortunate as to draw people to God as that water draws people from everywhere. No matter my frame of mind to start with, after I tasted that water, I was staying a while! Even more, got my picture taken drinking it!
That day, more than any other day I understood those scriptures where Jesus speaks of living water. I will thirst even after today, but the fresh anointing of God is something just like that water was to me and Levi. We were hot, tired, and our attention was scattered and we were a bit irritated at the circumstances. However, one taste of that water and our whole attitude changed! God is good, one taste of His fresh anointing, one touch from His gentle hand, one Word from His Holy Bible or even audibly, one sip of His cup of joy and refreshing sense of peace and comfort can change our attitudes toward God & toward each other! Seek His goodness, drink of His Living Water... It's for Real! -have a great day the group of bikers led by my good friend Vince, happen to be a great group of riders!
Friday, June 26, 2009
4 Casting Vision
Was @ my good friend's home tonight talking all about leading a church through change. That's the talk of our ministry right now. Our leadership team is striving to accept that the only thing that stays the same is that everything changes. In our need for spiritual and organizational change, sometimes when I lay out a new plan I find myself painting large brush strokes and believing that the team naturally has a sense of which details will need to be executed to get the big picture painted; without actually taking the time to mention the details. I'm learning that assigning minute details and communicating clear directions is what makes or breaks vision casting. Finally, my friend says to me, "Even Pop Tarts have directions!" Sure enough, he went and got a pack of pop tarts (specifically, great value toaster pastries) and read the directions to me. Get a load of these directions!
Toaster: 1. Set The Toaster Or Toaster Oven At Lowest Or Lightest Heat Setting. Remove Pastry from The Pouch. 2. Insert Pastry Into Cool Toaster Or Toaster Oven. 3. Attend Toaster Or Toaster Oven While Heating. Do Not Allow Children to Operate Toasting Device Without Supervision*. 4. After Warming Pastry, Allow Pastry to Cool Briefly. Remove Pastry Carefully from Toasting Appliance. *Caution: If The Pastry Is Overheated, The Frosting/Filling Can Become Extremely Hot and Could Cause Burns. Do Not Leave Toasting Appliance Unattended During Heating Due to Possible Risk of Fire.
We have to be ever so cautious that when we explain a new plan or direction that we clearly communicate the details of how that plan will come to fruition. If we're not communicating clear directions, then no matter if we're the head of our household, leader in our church or running our own business, we won't get the results we expect if we don't communicate the details that are necessary. -Thanks Brent! U the Man!
Buy the way, I also heard that if you have to use a microwave to heat up pop tarts, you're too busy! Awesome thought, I like this since we haven't owned a microwave since.... - I don't think we ever have! - have a great day...
Faith and Victory
We used to sing that song "I'm walking in faith and victory..." I really want to do that, don't you? I mean really, no worries mate, I want the kind of faith that totally focuses on the future of good things. Not the present suffering. Faith and Victory! -that's want we all want. Right now I'm fortunate enough to be walking in faith and victory with a great team of people here in Mansfield Ohio who are all aboard for a total reconstruction of our present ministry. Simply put, we're not satisfied just being here, we want to do greater things for God! The short story is that we're closing the doors to a crippled ministry and starting a brand new church under a new name and new vision with greater things expected as we walk in faith and victory. For our ministry team, God wants greater things for us than we can even imagine. I pray that our team is blessed beyond measure for their efforts and their hopes for God to be the God of this city! There are many unknowns as we walk in faith and victory. It's almost comforting not knowing what's coming up next, because what ever it is, if our steps and God's steps are one right after the other, if we're praying and seeking to hear His voice, and reading His word, loving and forgiving each other, standing together undivided, looking to God for the next victory....God will make it happen! Who can turn back God's hand when He set's His mind to something?
God wants greater things for you than what you can even dream up on your own. The Bible surely says it best in Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." We have to plan, study, and show ourselves approved. And after all that, we have to be nimble enough to flow with God's moving, guiding, directing, sifting, shaking, and new paths to find, follow, and even create as we go with Him! A lot? Yes it is, that's why the road is narrow that leads to Heaven, not wide and broad as the the road that leads to eternal suffering. Faith and Victory isn't always ever present, but it is oh so ever promised for those who set their hand to the plow and never look back as we walk in faith and victory! have a great day...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Push 4 Peace of Mind
Ecclesiastes 7:25 So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.
Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;
Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;
I was running behind schedule even before Monday came into being this week! My mind was racing for days on end... There wasn't any way I could catch up by mid week either, it's just one of those weeks! At the same time, it's a great week to be alive! It's sunny out, I have a new dark shorty windshield coming for my Ultra, what a great week, but I wasn't pushing hard enough 4 a peace of mind! My constant requirements to crank out paperwork has been bearing down on me, most of which I put on myself. I couldn't get my mind past missing my own deadline's and taking just a quick break! And right in the middle of the day yesterday when the D. O. sent out an Ohio family report I sunk in my seat as I read that one of my good friends was recently diagnosed with Hairy Leukemia. I stopped feeling so behind and started feeling so fortunate. My mind settled and my thoughts slowed as I thought about Bill's circumstance. Today friends, can you please set aside one full minute to pray for my good friend Pastor Bill Jones who ministers in Ripley, Ohio. He's an X engineer turned "Pastor Jones." He's optimistic about the chemo and has set his mind to focus on God's divine healing. He was rushed into the ER early this week and has had an I-V in him for several straight days now. I don't exactly know how he even facebooked me back with his I-V in while he lays in the hospital even today... Probably because he was running behind a little at the start of the week like me so he snagged his laptop to do work while laying in the hospital! Bill, you are loved! We look forward to you riding, loving people, and enjoying the sunny days God gives us for years to come! Oh, driving home last night I helped two different drivers change out flats on their cars.... God let me get my hands on something to fix and someone to help so I wouldn't feel so helpless... I suppose? Anyway, by bed time I had already asked God to have his way in my mind, not to dwell on the negative, and to keep Bill's mind strong and focused on the positive; and someday I'll visit w/ Bill N Ripley so he and I can sit on the Ohio river bank thanking God for His miraculous power and deliverance! Have a great day friends... Count your blessings, enjoy the sun shine, don't set such a high precedent for yourself that it may steal your peace of mind! Set your sights as high as God gives you the ability, know your limits & seek the mind of Christ in all things!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Cheap Cancer Cure
So, the word on the street is that there's this drug....
I was recently told about a cancer pill that cures most any kind of cancer. It's been around for a few years now, at least. From Canada? The issue is that it's not able to be patented & therefore pharmaceutical companies wont' pick it up because it won't make them any cash. However, it's inexpensive & has saved many lives even by the most uncommon cancers; but since it can't be patented ...for profit, it's not being distributed.
Spiritually speaking, when we see something that helps others who deserve help and refuse to do it for any reason, it's totally wrong! When we see a need that we can legitimately meet, it's our obligation to meet it the best way we can. Not hap haphazardly or with empty words or expecting a return on our investment. We do it because we're good people. When it's in our power to do good for someone who deserves a helping hand, Just do it!
Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dad's Day
Happy Father's Day to all dad's! I just got off the phone with my dad - if I can share just one quick note about father-son team work let me share this one... When I was in Jr. High sometime my dad and I entered a father/son team muzzle loader shooting contest on Father's Day. It was one of those extremely rare Sunday's that my mother let me miss church! The short story is that each father and son took the same number of shots at the targets so that it was fair for each team. At the end, My dad and I won the Shawnee Rifle Club annual father & son shoot! I've got the trophy on display still to this day. Here's a quick thought as Father's Day relates to our Heavenly Father. God is your dad. He's on your team. God will never let you down, He'll always make you look better than you are. He's with you from one victory to the next. He'll never leave you or forsake you. He watches out for you, He cares for you. And most importantly, He enjoys watching you for the purpose of His total fulfillment and joy - just as you like to watch your kids. He loves you so much that words can't explain. He enjoys seeing you happy and He will do everything in His power to prepare you for a life full of joy and many victories!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Trusting God
On a facebook wall post I read the familier saying that the will of God won't take you where the grace of God can't keep you. I'm praying that to be true. God's grace is sufficient for us. His love endures forever. His plans for us are to make us prosper because we belong to Him and we are His; hence, He and we won't be denied victory in our lives unless we deny Him. His leading into the unknown can be intimadating and His ways are off the charts unexpalinable. I think God likes us to be here, or there - where ever "Trusting God" becomes our first, last, and only instinct. Trust God today - You'll be so proud of yourself on the day you stand before Him and can honestly say "Yes Lord, I never doudted you for a minute!"
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
We are God's
My nearly three-year-old daughter brings today’s insight. Simply put, Molly said it best today, “God made us and we are His!” (She said from memory the verse from last Wed.’s children’s ministry called Bible Boot Camp) We are God’s, He made us – He won’t let you down, he’ll never leave you or forsake you. Who can challenge God? When God decides something, who can turn His hand back from doing what He wants? And, He loves you and wants the best for you. Ask of Him, and He will give it to you. Have a great day!
Monday, June 15, 2009
God Cares
In tough times, I’m still reminded that God is always faithful. In short, Krista and I had a difficult evening. It was just one of those nights where things didn’t line up like we’d hoped they would for us. Nothing too Earth shattering, but enough to make us feel blah…a little ☺ We went out for a while and on our way back home we rode home without saying much at all. We pulled in the driveway and Levi jumped out of his seat and on to his bike to catch a few minutes of ride time before bedtime. Molly sat in silence with Krista and I in the Jeep while we just took a deep breath and rested our minds for a few. Levi comes running to my door, opens the door and says “Dad, a bird’s nest fell out of the tree, it’s on the ground!” Enough said for me. God reminded me of the sparrow. Nothing happens in our lives apart from God’s will. God cares for every sparrow on planet Earth, how much more does God care for us?
Matthew 10:29 ”Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Have a great day!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Community: One Mind, One Purpose
I've never been so proud & excited to be a part of God's Kingdom. He is working in many ways around the world, the nation, and in our communities all over Ohio. I can see Him working and developing people's strengths and weaknesses. I can see Him speaking to people and they are listening to His voice. There's a good opportunity for people to experience the love and strength of Christ in our current struggling economy. People are listening with the intention of doing. Let's be first to communicate God's love and purpose to our friends and family. It's not about a church, it's about a reason for being. Today, let us consider 1 Corinthians 1:10 - "I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. NIV" I just came from a mtg. with a group of community leaders in our area. I'm glad leaders are working together to promote peace, healing, helps of all kinds, and @ the foundation of it all, we're working together in the name of Jesus Christ! I see mayors, pastors, health dept. rep's, .....So awesome! Friends, begin praying for your part to deliver God's Word and works in these days! We can't all fit on "the stage", but we can all find satisfaction in being a part of something universal, intergalactic, huge of the huge, such is our God! Let His name be glorified we decrease, let Him increase in all of us! Let your purpose be servant leadership at the level God has prepared you for. A group of servant leaders are those who are first to see and meet a need and last to be served. All of which are of One Mind, with One Purpose. If you want to be a servant leader in Richland Co. Ohio and to participate on a team of cross cultrual people of like mind that have a goal to represent God as One Church.... contact me today for details :) -TG
Thursday, June 11, 2009
On the Edge...
My daughter seldom likes to hold my hand and frequently says "Me not like ur kisses daddy, jaw hair!" My whiskers aren't the main issue, they're an excuse - she's very independent. However, tonight after a great night with my beautiful wife Krista and two awesome kids @ Ci Ci's pizza, we all began walking across the parking lot over to our Jeep. My 3 yr. old daughter jumps up on the curb and then stopped dead in her tracks and looked over to me, reached out her hand and without saying a word she was obviously calling for my help. I took full advantage as she let me hold her hand while she walked the edge of the curb. Sometimes God allows us to jump up on the edge so that we'll reach for His hand. We're more concerned about getting ourselves to safety while God is more concerned about holding our hand. Next time that God takes you by the hand in a time of need, don't be so anxious to let go after the need has been met. He's never intimidated by your life obstacle, that's an easy fix for Him - He just wants to hold your hand.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Jesus Loves You
Not long ago when I was in need of hearing from God, he spoke clear as ever. You need to know that I've been wearing these rubber band/bracelets with the sayings on them just to give myself a reminder of positive things. So lately, I'm always wearing one... And, on a day when I needed to hear from God, I visited a friend's house in which I have not visited for months on end. We talked out in the yard and I ended up walking across their grass and I walked past one of those rubber bands like I've been wearing. I reached down to pick it up just to hand it to my friend so they didn't run over it with the mower. I flipped the band over and it read "Jesus Loves You." God doesn't miss the details. During a time when I'm wearing the rubber bands for positive reminders, God speaks clear as ever through a band I found in the middle of someone's yard that read "Jesus Loves You!" He loves you, too.
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